
发布时间:2024-05-14 08:26:55


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为了给儿子一个更好的治疗环境,丘索维金娜移居德国并转换国籍代表德国队参加国际比赛。体操世界杯、世锦赛以及奥运会的赛场上,人们又看到了这位已经年过三十的老将在与比自己小十多岁的运动员拼杀。2008年的北京奥运会上,丘索维金娜再次出场,令人惊讶的是这位今年已经33岁的老将在跳马比赛中摘得一枚银牌!这也是德国女子体操选手在本届奥运会上的唯一收获。33岁的丘索不仅故事感人,运动水平也丝毫不比那些年轻的小姑娘们差。在登上领奖台的那一刻,丘索获得了现场观众最热烈的掌声。 她是一位成功的运动员,她更是一位伟大的母亲。

the olympic games the most great mother

in the short-lived during the beijing olympic games have some things and people, let us be moved, they may not be the champion, they may not have the gold medal, but their story will also and the magic of phelps and boulter, written into the history of the olympics.

who the names of familiar people certainly no stranger gymnastics. in such a women's gymnastics at the age of 20 is considered a" veteran" project, the modern german played the kazakhstan veteran was already 33 years old. in fact, more than ten years ago cuso experienced by athletes and many other gymnastics female athletes, teens to participate in the competition, after twenty years, get married, have chosen to retire. unfortunately suddenly struck her head: her son was born shortly after being diagnosed with leukemia, this is one of the treatment requires a considerable amount of money on the disease. now, already retired for six years who chose to return, and participate in the competition to earn money for his son. the past few years, the international gymnastics events large and small can see her figure.

in order to give his son a better therapeutic environment, she moved to germany and the conversion of nationality on behalf of the german team to participate in international competition. gymnastics world cup, world championships and olympic games, people can see the already over thirty veterans with smaller than their teenage athletes competing. the 2008 beijing olympic games, who play again, surprising is that this already 33 years old this year veteran in the vaulting horse competition won a silver medal! this is also the german woman gymnastics athletes at the olympics only harvest. 33 year old hill cable not only the story is moving, exercise levels are not younger than those in the poor little girls. on the podium at the moment, cuso won the audience 's warm applause. she is a successful athlete, she is a great mother.



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