wwe出场音乐大全 wwe出场音乐大全网易云音乐

发布时间:2024-02-27 14:35:01


  1. 前WWE选手,现WWE(RAW,SD)解说booker T的出场音乐叫什么?
  2. wwe多国联盟出场音乐
  3. 求WWE克里斯坦的出场音乐歌词(要中文),及演唱者.
  4. 请问WWE科菲金士顿出场音乐叫什么?

前WWE选手,现WWE(RAW,SD)解说booker T的出场音乐叫什么?








the league of nations(多国联军)的出场音乐名为a league of their own~





歌词:you know (you know)

what me say


i hear them shoutin

i hear them cryin


you woke up in a badman place

you no safe you could run for days

you can't get away

i bring relief for sorrow and pain

you should of never tried get in my face

and it's a shame (what a shame)

you lose your life

you have no (no) more (more) time

your destiny (knee) is (is) mine (here them callin)

sos (i hear them callin)

sos (i hear them shoutin)

sos i hear them cryin

sos (i hear them callin)

you know (you know)

what me say, boo

hey mister i been telling you

to be afraid

cause this badman

him have bad news for you today

and it's a shame (what a shame)

you lose your life

you have no (no) more (more) time

your destiny (knee) is (is) mine (here them callin)

sos (i hear them callin)

sos (i hear them shoutin)

sos i hear them cryin

sos (i hear them callin)

you know

you woke up in a badman place

you no safe you could run for days

you can't get away

i bring relief for sorrow and pain

you should of never tried get in my face

and it's a shame (what a shame)

you lose your life

you have no (no) more (more) time

your destiny (knee) is (is) mine (here them callin)

sos (i hear them callin)

sos (i hear them shoutin)

sos i hear them cryin

sos (i hear them callin)

you know (you know)

what me say, boo

hey mister i been telling you

to be afraid

cause this badman

him have bad news for you today

and it's a shame (what a shame)

you lose your life

you have no (no) more (more) time

your destiny (knee) is (is) mine (here them callin)

sos (i hear them callin)

sos (i hear them shoutin)

sos i hear them cryin

sos (i hear them callin)

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