太阳队史十大球星 太阳球队有谁

发布时间:2024-04-02 08:16:34


  1. 用英文介绍乔丹
  2. 谁知道乔丹的全资料啊?
  3. 火箭队最长连败是多少
  4. 请给出历史上nba大前锋的排名


basketball hero retires

chicago's most famous figure before the 1980s was the gangster,al“scarface”capone.but in the last two decades chicago bulls basketball star michael jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal.almost single-handedly,jordan turned chicago's image on its head,as the city on the shore of lake michigan moved from crime capital to basketball capital of america.jordan is widely regarded as the sports greatest player,and his retirement announcement in early 1999 came as a blow to the sport and to his millions of fans in america and around the world.

his athleticism and fierce competitiveness frightened his opponents,but his graciousness made him an american and international icon.he is most famous as the face of nike,the athletics shoe and clothing company whose products he has endorsed for the past decade.

jordan quickly became a multi-millionaire,thanks to lucrative product endorsement deals such as his nike promotion.as his fortune grew he put money back into the community,creating a foundation to fund athletics facilities and other projects for children from the inner city of chicago,his adopted home.jordan is reported to be the celebrity with whom most american children feel most comfortable,and american adults once placed him fifth on a list of all-time“most respected newsmakers.”

but not everyone thought well of him.some critics said he set a bad example,on and off the basketball court.he gambled;sometimes he mocked opponents during game and when the nike company was accused of unfair labour practices,he virtually ignored the controversy.certain black americans accused him of dismissing less fortunate blacks,many of whom could not afford the expensive shoes marketed by nike under the “air jordan”brand.

his easy charm ensured that he remained popular with the vast majority of basketball supporters,despite these criticisms.and none of those who criticised his behavior could do the same when it came to his athletic performance.nobody could undermine his achievements.

jordan was born on february 17,1963,is 1.98 meters tall and weighs 98kg.college players of the year in 1983-4,he joined the struggling chicago bulls team for the 1984 season.by the next year,the bulls had started a winning streak.in the 1986 season jordan shot 3041 points,the third-highest score ever.in 1987 he was named the national basketball association (nba) slam dunk champion.he first won the most valuable player award in 1988,an honour repeated four times in the 10 years to 1998.he guided his team to six championship wins during the 1990s,scoring 45 points during the sixth and last game of the 1998 nba finals including the winning point in the game's closing seconds.

over his career,jordan captured 10 consecutive scoring titles.his jumping ability at goal was matched by excellent court and team play.jordan retired from the club and the game in 1993,in pursuit of a dream to play basketball,but he returned to the baketball court and the chicago bulls in 1995.

in 1996 he was named one of the 50 greatest players in history.






一、2001年11月24日到12月21日 十五连败 失望指数:六星 当时火箭球星:史蒂夫-弗朗西斯、卡蒂诺-莫布里 这是火箭不堪回首的纪录,他们从2001年11月下旬开始输球,直到年尾才翻身!15个不同的对手轮流将火箭砍落马下,他们分别是超音速、快船、国王、灰熊、马刺、尼克斯、公牛、奇才、森林狼、活塞、骑士、步行者、热火、开拓者、湖人,这种惨烈的输球让火箭后来以大概率抽中状元签,从而获得了姚明,走上复兴之路。

二、2000年3月8日到3月21日 八连败 失望指数:五星 当时火箭球星:哈基姆-奥拉朱旺、查尔斯-巴克利、弗朗西斯、莫布里 奥拉朱旺和巴克利当时已经伤病缠身而且江河日下,火箭面临阵地战向快速进攻战术的转型。转型是痛苦的,弗朗西斯和莫布里两杆冲锋枪无法力挽狂澜,火箭分别输给太阳、爵士、森林狼、尼克斯、雄鹿、步行者、猛龙、骑士,遭遇八连败。

三、2005年11月18日到11月27日 七连败失望指数:五星 当时火箭球星:特雷西-麦格雷迪、姚明10天内打了7场比赛的火箭,体力和精神上都受到了摧残,特别是麦迪因伤休战后,姚明更是独力难支。在这7场失利中,火箭场均仅得82.1分,场均输8分,几乎每一场都是末节崩溃。火箭分别输给了马刺、活塞、步行者、小牛、太阳、灰熊、公牛,火箭唯一可以用来安慰自己的是,这些对手没有一个是弱旅。

四、2006年1月7日到1月19日 七连败失望指数:五星 当时火箭球星:麦迪、姚明当时的火箭,还不善于打第四节的关键时刻,“末节疲软症”一发再发。火箭输给的七个对手分别是猛龙、掘金、山猫、国王、黄蜂、老鹰、小牛,对掘金、山猫、国王和黄蜂场均仅输5.3分。

五、2000年12月17日到12月28日 六连败 失望指数:四星 当时火箭球星:哈基姆-奥拉朱旺、弗朗西斯、莫布里 那个赛季的火箭,在主场打球并不能占到明显的优势,他们所遭遇的六连败当中,有5场是在家门口输掉的。将火箭击败的6支球队分别是掘金、马刺(2次)、湖人、勇士、超音速。

六、2006年3月13日到3月22日 六连败失望指数:四星 当时火箭球星:麦迪、姚明缺兵少将的火箭,被一连串的强敌打晕了头,六个击败火箭的球队分别是马刺(2次)、篮网、小牛(2次)、快船。小牛赢火箭的那两场,一共赢了30分。

七、2002年4月3日到4月10日 五连败 失望指数:三星 当时火箭球星:史蒂夫-弗朗西斯、卡蒂诺-莫布里常规赛即将结束,已经无望进入季后赛的火箭干脆“破罐子破摔”,提前准备乐透区抽签了。他们所要做的,就是争取更低的名次,从而获得更大的抽中状元秀概率,火箭五连败分别输给了超音速、马刺、灰熊、魔术、热火。

八、2004年3月30日到4月7日 五连败失望指数:三星 当时火箭球星:姚明、弗朗西斯、莫布里常规赛即将结束,火箭却陷入了困境,球员们经过漫长的常规赛之后,身心均感到疲惫。火箭在心态放松的情况下,分别输给了森林狼、湖人、掘金、国王和勇士,这5个对手全部来自于西部,而且当时都盼望提高己队的常规赛排名。

九、2004年11月24日到12月3日 五连败失望指数:三星 当时火箭球星:麦迪、姚明这是火箭赛程最轻松的一段时间,火箭10天内只需要打5场比赛,但惜败于国王让火箭士气低落,此后又分别输给了爵士、掘金、活塞和小牛,战绩一下子坠落到6胜11负。

十、2005年11月22日到12月1日 五连败失望指数:★★★ 当时火箭球星:麦迪、姚明这段时间的对手,实力并不算强,但火箭总是第四节关键时刻掉链子。火箭输给了猛龙、掘金、爵士、黄蜂和勇士,其中输给爵士、黄蜂和勇士分别只输8分、2分和5分。






太阳队史十大球星 太阳球队有谁

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